
Welcome to the Flint Hills Regional Council’s Needs Assessment System Portal. The purpose of the needs assessment system is for our member communities and partners to have a tool that helps to identify baseline information about your unfunded needs so that we can collectively work to identify potential funding strategies, and jump on grant funding opportunities when they arise--stretching our local dollars further and moving the project forward. Grant application timelines are often short, and so we must know what our priorities may be that fit the mission of the program and baseline information about the unfunded need in order to act quickly and compete for the funding—and especially to take advantage of recovery funding and other funding opportunities that can get your project moving that otherwise would just continue to be talked about, but no forward progress due to tight budget and/or only partial funding available.

Unfunded needs could also include projects / action items as identified within our Flint Hills Economic Development District Plan—both local and regional needs. Only unfunded needs valued at more than $5,000 will be considered. The system will ask the type of unfunded need, justification as to why it is needed, an estimated cost (if known), if it is an immediate, high or future needs, etc. and contact information for additional questions related to the request should a funding strategy be identified.